Bank E-Wallet — what is this?

Bank E-Wallet — what is this?
Bank E-Wallet — what is this?

The financial market is rapidly using digitalization. Digital products make life more convenient and customer service better and more efficient. Special digital platforms provide the wide range of services that can be used with the digital wallet. Bank E-Wallet — what is this?

Bank E-Wallet — what is this
Bank E-Wallet — what is this

As digital technologies and mobile devices develop, the limitedness of banking solutions is no longer a problem. Traditional tools are being replaced by digital banks and non-banking applications.

But developing own digital solutions is still expensive. The Walletfactory company offers a white label solution for your business. Contact us right now, get a free advice and personal price calculation.

Advantages of Bank e-wallet

The Walletfactory company provides not just an application, but a whole digital platform. B2B, B2C, P2p systems are integrated into payment soft. They provide easy access to financial services – no more need to visit bank outlets. Bank e-wallet has everything you need.

Why it is worthwhile to order soft white label from Walletfactory :

  • new business opportunities – soft combines financial products, transaction organization services, salesmen;
  • making payments in two clicks — payment soft will increase and speed up the financial services sales;
  • “smart” models for increasing customer loyalty — standard service in bank outlets and representative offices takes a lot of time. Digital solution from Walletfactory will reduce the time it takes to serve customers.

Bank e-wallet provides a large variety of tools for setting up transaction and subscription services. Based on the digital platform, you may easily create a loyalty program for both new and old customers.

What do we offer?

White label development with full integration of your business digital infrastructure. We make simple and effective solutions to improve audience loyalty and enhance the customer service quality. We will help you create a business payment ecosystem.

Advantages :

  • increase customer responsiveness by reducing service time;
  • integrate an existing loyalty program or create a new one;
  • we will create an e-wallet optimized for your business processes;
  • we will ensure scalability by expanding the digital infrastructure.

We work with both individuals and corporate clients. Each customer has a personal loyalty program. Order software development, get an individual solution within a very short time.

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